When we saw TV, when we heard the radio, when we read newspapers, when we did anything that March 11th, everything was realted with the terrorifical earthquake on Japan. A new tragedy that stole the apellative of 11-M to the Spanish train accident in a seven-year-ago calm morning. Just hours after, the whole world knew what happened in Japan, everybody knew that some coastal towns disappeared forever from the map. Immediately, help started arriving from each corner of the world. Even stars like Lady Gaga, Tokio Hotel, Justin Bieber and a very long etcetera posted comments on Facebook, Twitter, and recorded videos that were posted on Youtube. One more demonstration that social networks, and by extension, the hundred thousands millions of citizens in the world, never forget victims.
Another example, which I've discovered right this morning, is a message a friend has send to me. I suppose everybody knows the horrible Sandra Palo's murderer. Well then, her murder is on the street "thanks" to the judge's initiative to release him after four years of internament in a reformatory center. Before, it was illegal to send a picture with his face, because he was a minor, but now, and knowing taht he is again on the street, threatening everyone he does not like, violating young girls and accumulating 400 (yes, look it on Google if you don't trust me) complaints, people, and specially Sandra Palo's family, have organized a platform on the Internet and through social networks like Messenger, in which this delinquent's face is shown, so that everybody knows his eyes and his grim look. Again, and if we are lucky, we could say that social networks have helped putting another mudered in prison, the main objective that a distroyed family looks for.

Despite the fact that Facebook does not imply paying any money, the price it costs is a real expensive one: your intimity. Be afraid private detectives, social networks can steal your jobs.
ResponderEliminarI have a friend who had a fight one night and police catch him by tuenti. We are not aroused but police is investigating all the time by social networks, and also companies looks your profile before sign you. Also, there are people who don't put their name or surname of their profiles